6th Budapest Life Insurance Summit Speakers
Tony Gordon
40 évet átölelő pályafutása során Tony Gordon az Egyesült Királyság egyik legsikeresebb és legjövedelmezőbb pénzügyi vállalkozását építette fel, ezen idő alatt a szakma egyik legsikeresebb gyakorlati szakemberévé és minden idők legismertebb alakjává vált.
Tony Gordon nyolc éven keresztül az Egyesült Királyság pénzügyi szolgáltatásokat szabályozó hatósága igazgatóságának tagja volt a pénzügyi tanácsadók képviseletében. Neve az egész világon jól ismert, több mint 50 országban tartott előadásokat. Immár több mint 30 éve tagja az Egymillió Dolláros Kerekasztalnak, és 2001-ben a szervezet elnöke is volt. Tony Gordon 2014-óta minden évben részt vesz jótékonysági alapon a Budapesti Életbiztosítási Csúcstalálkozón, ahol eddig több, mint 2000 résztvevő képzésében, ösztönzésében működött közre. Tony szakmai és erkölcsi támogatásával jelentősen hozzájárul a Közép -és Kelet Európai régió életbiztosítási kultúrájának fejlődéséhez, az életbiztosítással kapcsolatos közgondolkodás formálásához, a közvetítő szektorban dolgozók elkötelezettségének megerősödéséhez, amely a magyarországi MDRT tagok számának növekedésében is megmutatkozik.
The Anand Financial Architecture, Award-winning UK Financial Adviser, twice awarded ‘IFA of the Year’, number one out of 30,000 and rated Evening Standard ‘Best IFA in the Capital’.
Bhupinder is also a globally renowned motivational speaker and trainer, including audiences of 12,000 in Vancouver, 7,500 in Los Angeles and 7,000 in Tokyo.
He is the author of ‘Smashing the Glass Ceiling – Breaking Through Your Personal Barriers to Success’.
Bhupinder also runs a coaching programme called Adviser Master Class to help financial advisers to consistently raise their productivity.
AMJ Financial prides itself on quality client service, where expectations are exceeded at all times. We provide unique financial solutions for high net worth clients , company directors and business owners.
We have clients who have fledgling businesses to those who are operating very successfully for many years.
Every client is treated with the same enthusiasm and passion, and a meeting with AMJ Financial will show you why !
Sales training and financial profession seminars . Recent main engagements :-MDRT MAIN PLATFORM New Orleans 2015 closing speaker day 2 MDRT Malaysia day keynote speaker 2015 Day 1 closing speaker MDRT experience meeting Kuala Lumpur February 2014, MDRT Toronto 2014, Met Life Romania Annual Sales conference 2013, PIBA Ireland 2012 , MDRT Annual convention Anaheim California 2012 , MDRT UK sales day 2010 , Sales training and motivational sessions 1994 – present
My first book , The Adviser’s Advisor was published in December 2013 and launched at MDRT in Kuala Lumpur where Anthony was the Day 1 closing speaker.
Read more at www.anthonymatthewsjones.com
To become one of the best financial advisors in Lebanon and the Gulf region and to serve people who care about protecting their lifestyle, families and belongings..
To provide financial security advisory services for ambitious people and offer them peace of mind, enabling them to live decently and leave a legacy.
Objectivity | Passion | Achievement
Added Values:
• Organized files
• Meticulous follow up
• Outstanding customer service
• Commitment to the MDRT Code of Ethics*
Attila has been a member of MDRT since 2002, and is also a life member with 13 COT and 8 TOT qualifications. In the past 19 years he has achieved the biggest known portfolio development in his country with excellent and consistent figures. Originally Attila majored in economics. He has been the head of Bestens, an independent life insurance advisory since 2001. A few years after the founding of CIG Pannónia Life Insurance Company he became the fourth biggest shareholder of the insurance company, and was later elected as a member of the Supervisory Board, on which he served until 2012. In 2009 he set up the Money and Culture Foundation in order to support children who have lost their parents, and whose parents did not have life insurance coverage, and to promote the importance of life insurance. From 2011 he acted as MDRT Country Chair for Hungary for three years. In 2014 he was elected to serve MDRT as ambassador of the organization. Attila is the first Hungarian MDRT speaker who runs his business basically in Hungary. He has been invited to speak in several countries like Poland, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macau, Dubai, China, Taiwan, Lebanon). Attila has founded the prestigious Budapest Life Insurance Summit in 2014 as a series of life insurance annual conference improving the standards of serving clients in the life insurance industry in Hungary. Since 2014 over 3000 life insurance advisors have participated and educated at the Budapest Life Insurance Summit and over 20 world famous speakers and world-class advisors were invited to join Attila to speak at the Life Insurance Summit’s stage. Since 2018 M&C Foundation has been running operations worldwide promoting the importance of life insurance, organizing charity and non profit events not only in Hungary but also in Eastern Europe, Southern Europe and in the Middle East. Majority of advisors mentored by Attila have also earned membership in MDRT based on their outstanding professional and business results.